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Customer Testimonials

Ian P. January 2016

Another excellent purchase of products from The Ultimate Finish.

Marial B. January 2016

All round great experience.

Jim N. January 2016

Excellent advice from Jez.

Anonymous. January 2016

Good price and good range of products.

Stewart P. January 2016

Site well presented and products easy to identify and good descriptions.

Richard S. January 2016

Competitive pricing and great range of products. Website is easy to navigate and explanation of products and pricing is clear.

Jonathan T. January 2016

I've used this website many times to window shop for products but regrettably I have never purchased from it until now. I decided to register with the site as I know they are a very well known and trusted online dealer in automotive detailing products. The site is very easy to navigate and the information on every product is very detailed, I particularly like how the contact for customer services and product information dominates the top of the home page. It's glad to see a company that actively encourages their customers to contact them unlike some other ones which almost seem to hide their contact information. In addition to the easy navigation of the site and detailed information on products I found that the value for money over other sellers was very much a deciding factor in me registering with the site today. I look forward to shopping from them in the future.

Tom S. January 2016

I like your products immensely.

Neil H. January 2016

Excellent business and well recommended.

James A. January 2016

Wonderful quality products. Proof that you get what you pay for.