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Customer Testimonials

M Schofield. February 2015

Good range of products. This is my first time buying quality detailing products. After searching online the Ulitmate Finish website appealed to me the most.

Mark S. February 2015

This is the first time that I have used Ultimate Finish, but so far, so good.

Dave H. February 2015

Always easy to buy and find what I want.

Mike C. February 2015

I found the web site very user friendly as it went straight to the items I wanted. There is a more info file attached to the product of interest which is very handy and informative.

Bryca B. February 2015

Very Pleased with my first 2 purchases so I decided to enter the January competition and managed to win. Now I ordered my 3rd detailing products using the £150 I won in the competition. I will recommend all my classic car friends to Ultimate Finish, thank you.

Jon L. February 2015

Quite a good site. Everything clear.

Alan M. February 2015

You seem to supply a very good selection of products in the automobile section, which I shall return to upon satisfactory delivery and quality of my recent order.

S Wadey. February 2015

Always great service from the UF team.

J Fenton. February 2015

Really easy purchase in less than 3 minutes. Paypal even entered my address of me; happy days will use again.

Steve R. February 2015

Always get good service and products.