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Customer Testimonials

Anonymous September 2014

Great shopping experience with fantastic prices.

James C. September 2014

"Excellent range, good advice and Blog where you can see the results of the products, not tied to a single brand but genuinely seem to stock the best products regardless of supplier. Own brand products are excellent as well."

G Benford September 2014

Excellent web site and next day delivery service.

Malcolm B. September 2014

Top quality Products and service as always from Ultimate Just a great company to do business with.

Stuart F September 2014

Excellant Choice, Easy to Order, The Site is a Joy to use

KAREN G September 2014

Products look good, can't wait to try them out.

D. Mugridge September 2014

Really good supplier of quality things

Joe L September 2014

"Difficult to make product choices so would be good to see clear product comparisons. Although I know this is not easy, but help to justify what would be the best product for the job.

On the phone the person was very helpful and knowledgeable. This is what made me buy from you!"

Anonymous September 2014

"Ultimate Finish provide very good products, they are well tested and for the car enthusiast or the professional make it very easy to obtain at a reasonable price and with a very good postal service make it a pleasure to shop with them. I highly recommend buying their products. Treat your car and see it shine."

Pete K. (Northern Ireland) September 2014

Congratulations on a super fast delivery to Northern Ireland. I ordered yesterday around 4pm and the items arrived by courier at 10am this morning. That is what you can call customer service. Looking forward to picking my next items already.