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Customer Testimonials

May 2014

Lots on offer, prices could be a bit cheaper but everything in stock and good quality.

Tony B May 2014

Very good website ,always good delivery and reasonable prices.Excellent range of goods

Guy C May 2014

A pleasant and easy ordering process.

David A May 2014

Great Website, excellent products with speedy communications about your order process.

Williem H. May 2014

Very helpful and polite Staff. Sort out problems very quickly, knowledgeable Staff, quick delivery, good Loyalty Scheme. Good choice of products.

Colin C May 2014

I can't comment on the whole process at this stage as all I have done is place my order. However, this was made easy, despite my needing products for a finish I have no knowledge of.The range of delivery and payment options are excellent.

Martin C May 2014

Happy for feed back to be shared.

Les G May 2014

Well priced product and easy payment (not having to create account).

Peter C May 2014

I have purchased from Ultimate Finish before and been highly satisfied with the service and the quality of the goods. I especially appreciate the wide choices available and the useful comments associated with the various items since these assist with my decision-making.

Andrew K May 2014

This has got to be the on line heaven for car/vehicle care products. I could spend a fortune. I like a shiny car/bike and I keep them like that.