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Customer Testimonials

Ian K. March 2013

Have used UF before and will certainly use again. Excellent stock kept, good prices and excellent info on items.

A.R.Lea (Jersey) March 2013

When I emailed a request to purchase products, the company were very helpful.

D.Porter March 2013

Good product,easy to use.

Bilt Hamber Dynax S50 - 750ml

Alex C. February 2013

Ultimate Finish on line shop has a wide selection of car care products at very competitive prises with FREE postage offers.

C W N barker February 2013

Great online shopping with excellent customer service backup as well.

Lyndon B. February 2013

Have used Ultimate Finish before and have always had great service, long may it continue.

Peter T. February 2013

Dear Sean, Now that IS fast. Thank you so much for such EXPRESS delivery. The Battery is charging away now. Regards Peter.

CTEK Multi MXS 3.6 12V Battery Charger & Conditioner

John H. February 2013

It arrived sooner than I expected It was delivered in three days. I expected five days as it was on FREE delivery. Very good service & a very good product. I will recommend you to my family

RCB320 - 20 Amp Workshop Charger & Engine Starter - 12v

John W. February 2013

A very well set-up website with plenty of choice of products/good prices/fast delivery and all with in-depth descriptions. Looking forward to trying out this product which I had trouble finding until I chanced upon your website. Best wishes for continued success.

Meguiar's Scratch-X 2.0

Neil E. February 2013

Ordered the goods PM and they arrived the next morning. Excellent !!