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Customer Testimonials

G.Singh January 2013

Highly recommended, Ultimate Finish is a great webite for vehicle detailers.

C.Rea January 2013

Great products sold by a great company

Michael P. January 2013

2nd visit, very pleased with quality of products, easy to find and good information on each item. I think this is a site I will use many times in the future.

Mick H. January 2013

Really pleased with the way Ultimate Finish responded and how quickly they replaced the item when one of the items was damaged by the courier.

E.Stenhouse January 2013

Very professional, easy to order with no hassle.

L.Foster January 2013

A++ for Ulimate Finish :-)

M. Pinchbeck January 2013

Your store was recommended by my son. I found the online purchase very easy and will return for more products relating to car care.

Ron H. January 2013

I am very satisfied with the ease of ordering products from Ultimate Finish

Peter F. January 2013

Now, that IS what I call prompt attention! Thank you very much for the clarification.

Dave C. January 2013

Really impressive organisation. There are plenty out there that have good products and quick delivery, but Ultimate Finish stand out when you get in touch and ask for advice: they understand every product and are full of passion for what they do. Excellent!!