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Customer Testimonials

Mark S. December 2012

Excellent service all round. Very impressed.

Eric H. December 2012

As promised the goods arrived at 10-45 this morning and I would like to thank you for the effort you put in. UF should get a reward for the aftersales service, its unbeatable and I will continue to be a valueable customer. I hope you have the best Christmas ever and once again a big big thank you.

C. Pyrc - Australia December 2012

I have made multiple successful purchases from Ultimate Finish

Patrick P. December 2012

Clear and accessible site. Wide variety of product. Efficient check out.

G.Madden December 2012

Great variety of products from all different brands. A lot of information about each product and some even have video clips about the product. Will definitely use UF again.

S.B.White December 2012

Straight forward easy to navigate website, products easy to find with good descriptions. Reasonable prices and delivery costs. That'll do me!

Elizabeth B. December 2012

I ordered. I paid via offer. I received before time expected. Goods were perfect and so was the company, Ultimate Finish. I wish I could order everything I needed, for ever, from this company. Thank you.

P.Bradley December 2012

Excellent service

Rob F. December 2012

Placed orders from UF before and certainly will again in the future, a pleasure to deal with.

Peter L. December 2012

Hi there, The package arrived today. Thank you very much for such an efficient and prompt service