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Customer Testimonials

J.D.Green October 2012

First time buyer with Ultimate Finish, the web site is clear, very customer friendly and easy to use, Looking forward to my product being delivered. Kindest Regards.

Gordon G. October 2012

Dear Ultimate Finish, CTEK MXS 3.6 battery charger arrived two days after order, two lightly used SAAB 95s now fully charged and ready for winter. Thanks also for kind advice at time of ordering.

Ali A. October 2012

Used UF before and will again, a great site for all you car care needs.

Godwin B. October 2012

Very clear information, easy purchase even for new person.

Autoshine Cheshire October 2012

Excellent on-line shopping experience, great choice, competitive pricing and clear and easy to use.

Terry L. October 2012

Good product - easy transaction and prompt delivery.

Ultimate Snow Foam

D.Fugler October 2012

I have used this company in the past and find their products to be of high quality.

Steve F. October 2012

Used Ultimate finish before and have not been disappointed. Fantastic online shopping experience.

V.Maini October 2012

Great company...

A.Pavitt October 2012

I have bought from Ultimate Finish many times. Good products and prices, plenty of info and tips for using the products. I would highly recommend them.