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Customer Testimonials

M.Irwin October 2011

Previous experience with UF was a purchase of a car cover which has been really first class and I have now had it for 3 years!!

G.Bressanelli October 2011

Well designed web site. Good prices. Most importantly clear shipping options and prices accessing the basket. One can really decide what option to choose at the start of the process. Very few sites offer this opportunity. Very commendable and appreciated.

Miles H. October 2011

A good website; I wonder if you could add some of your own comments on products when you use them, it would help the decision process a bit easier when there is such a range of sometimes very similar products available. Meguiar's seem to do a whole lot of machine polishing compounds, how do you rank them and get help on their correct use? Great choice though!

J.Lau October 2011

Very good customer support, had a few previous problems with delivery companies, Ultimate Finish will always get it sorted! That is why I always come back for more!

B.K.Stocker October 2011

Very proficient. Goods arrived as promised and well packaged.

Susan C. October 2011

Very helpful customer service when I phoned prior to purchase.

Terry October 2011

Hi, Many thanks for the excellent service received goods within 24 hours, will definitely use your services again. Best regards,

Les T October 2011

Ordered yesterday morning, received at lunchtime today. Brilliant service!

Ian October 2011

Just to say thanks, just arrived cannot believe how quick this has come! Thanks to your team - will deal with you again.

Frank S October 2011

Just to let you know I have had a few sessions with the products now, and you were right, I am surprised at the results for not much effort, even on my old X-Trail. Thank you very much for your advice.