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Customer Testimonials

Nick S. April 2011

Hi, Just a note to commend you on the excellent service I've received in my last 6 orders. Great prices and everything is always in stock. The most recent was delivered in less than 18 hours from when I ordered, and this was with free shipping - amazing!! Thanks!

Nicholas Seaman

D. Singh Kandola April 2011

Hi, This is just a quick email to say that I am a new customer to Ultimate Finish, found via Detailing World.com. In 2 days I have placed the following orders with you and I am very happy with the fact that you shipped my ordered the same and that they were delivered the next working day.

I will now be looking to make all possible purchases from Ultimate Finish due to your level of service.

Steve G. April 2011

Very helpful,great product range and good prices & delivery

C.Hunter April 2011

Highly satisfied will use again very quick and easy to use correct product I haven't been able to find anywhere else, ten out of ten.

James A.W. April 2011

First class service and I will use you again.

Mark B. April 2011

Very pleased with price and item, much cheaper than high street stores - brill!!!!

Dave T. April 2011

Fast delivery and great products, good description of products on website.

E.J.Swann April 2011

I am not used to buying on line but this process was easier than I thought it would be.

Steve G. April 2011

a very good website with lots of choice and good descriptions of the products available and the prices are ok. I will order again from this company.

F.Burgess April 2011

I borrowed some from a friend and was so impressed I decided to buy some and your website was one of the best to navigate through