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Customer Testimonials

D.Glover March 2010

Goods delivered on time as promised, well packaged undamaged in excellent condition. Thanks !

Aaron B. February 2010

Samantha, just wanted to say great service again from Ultimate Finish - very helpful.

Craig H. February 2010

Spoke to a customer service about my order. She indicated to me that the item was out of stock and wouldnt be in until March 1st. I was happy to wait because I was notified, this is unlike any customer service I have ever experienced, the best I've seen.

D.L'Enfant February 2010

Very pleased to see that the V.A.T is automaticaly deducted from orders going to the Channel Islands.

K.D.Williams February 2010

Well laid out website, great pruduct range and advice info.

Roy N. February 2010

Digital tyre pump - highly rated, particularly because of the screw on attachment to tyre valve.

Robert S. February 2010

Excellent website, very good range of products.

Dr.R. Dawson February 2010

Ultimate finish with ultimate support for this "ultimate" product. With the old adage of "buy cheap buy dear" ringing I splashed out on this charger that has put my others in the shade. No more worries about my car starting in the cold as the battery is maintained in tip top condition. Delivery was prompt and a minor niggle, not found in the instructions, was dealt with by return of email in a friendly and most informative manner. Not only is this charger highly recommended but you can buy with confidence from "Ultimate Finish"

D.L. Mcbrien February 2010

Very pleased with the quality of the goods received and the prompt delivery!

George B. February 2010

Good products and excellent service.