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Customer Testimonials

G Brindley. December 2016

A vast range of detailing products. Always good service.

Rob M. December 2016

Excellent products and a huge selection. Customer support is superb.

Andy H. December 2016

Great to be able to speak to someone at the end of a phone to offer considered advice on products and their use when you get lost in the multitude of options on the website.

Howard J. December 2016

UF continue to provide great offers and sales like this week 7.5% offer.

Les S. December 2016

Great company, extremely helpful.

Kevin W. December 2016

A clear and easy website to use that provides good product descriptions and quality service.

Bob S. December 2016

Helpful as usual. First class service.

Dan B. December 2016

Always quick and a good variety of products. Cheers Merry Christmas.

Brian G. December 2016

Good site layout on a pad. The purchase was quick and got a good deal on a multi pack.

Trevor B. December 2016

The instruction videos are fantastic.