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Customer Testimonials

G.Spong June 2008

I received a very helpful email from Customer Services advising me on the product I was looking for, a silicone free polish for my motorhome

B.Smith June 2008

Good selection of the products I am interested in. I like the summary for each product. Website and payment very easy to use.

Medals R Me June 2008

Great items, super quick delivery.... and liked the use of recycled packing material. All in all a great experience.

J.Wilson June 2008

Well priced product, good web information. Prompt delivery. Good service

S.C.Walpole June 2008

This is a good company to shop with - highly recommended!!

D.Ayres June 2008

Just used the 30" Aquagleam on my black (always a problem colour to look clean) VW Golf and am thrilled with the results! It is back to showroom condition. Excellent! I can recommend this product - well worth the money.

P.George June 2008

The Ultimate Finish is a great place to shop, they are by far the cheapest and the quality is second to none, a great place to get all you need.

C.Dude June 2008

Great website, good prices. They know what they're talking about!!

Alistair June 2008

Guys you need more promotion! I have used other merchants before, your website is far more easy to navigate, easier to use, not a nightmare to check out for a first time user, just ace!

S.Walpole June 2008

Many thanks for the order - it arrived in super quick time. The charger is brilliant and represents excellent value for the price. I will definately buy from you again!