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Customer Testimonials

Hugh F. December 2016

Great website with plenty of good quality products and ease of ordering!

Jeff S. December 2016

UF have always provided an excellent service in the past and offer a wide range of products on one site.

Neil F. December 2016

Excellent one stop shop for my car care.

Malcolm W. December 2016

Always helpful, nothing is to much trouble. UF are a delight to do business with.

William R. December 2016

UF has always provided an excellent service.

William R. December 2016

The purchase of materials from UF came up to highest of all my expectations.

John G. December 2016

Always a pleasure to deal with.

Anonymous. December 2016

Great site, used by family and now myself.

Jonathan T. December 2016

The website is easy to navigate and the pricing of all products was very competitive and in all instances far cheaper than I was expecting.

Alan S. December 2016

I've used Ultimate Finish several times and had no reason whatsoever for complaint. It feels like someone is sitting there, waiting for my order and immediately starts parcelling it up ready for next day delivery!