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Customer Testimonials

Ian B July 2007

Many thanks. I have to say your delivery, and customer service has been spot on and I would recommend your site without hesitation to friends. I would also try to use three60 in future.

Again thanks for the common sense and all round effort,


Ted June 2007

The package must have been being delivered as I wrote the message. It arrived yesterday safe and sound. Thank you very much for the great service and prompt response to my cry for help. It is much appreciated-

Teresa April 2007


I would just like to commend you on your service. Most impressed!

I placed my order yesterday afternoon and received it during the morning today.

Excellent service and contact as regard to keeping me posted with the status of the order.

Many thanks

Jane April 2007

Thank you for your very prompt service. I received the leather treatment this morning and my car now looks beautiful.

Charles March 2007

Hi Recently I purchased a pack of Clearview.

The Perspex headlights on my wife's Mazda mx3 were clouded over and would not have passed the next mot. Clearview worked brilliantly and they are now as good as new. Our local garage plans to use Clearview for plastics windows on convertible cars etc.

Clearview has saved us about £850 by not having to buy and fit new glass headlights.

Many thanks

Damien February 2007

Wow! Thanks for lightning fast delivery ... the parcel was waiting on my doorstep when I got back from work today :o) And thanks for not charging VAT in the first place too! Just hope it works now ;o)

Edmund Ellert January 2007

The item I ordered on-line yesterday arrived this morning. (Battery charger CTEK XS3600)I can't believe it! What's more it works.... Excellent, Many thanks.