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Customer Testimonials

Craig S. October 2016

Easy to use website, really good choice of products available picked by a car and detailing enthusiasts. First use of UF Ultimate Snow Foam and really impressed by the cleaning ability. 10 out of 10.

Martin B. October 2016

Always good prices and excellent service. Good website.

Steve H. October 2016

Good site, easy to use and I like the menu permanently visible on the left-hand side of the screen.

Stewart P. October 2016

Satisfied with service on previous orders, keep up the good work! Thank you.

Stephen M. October 2016

Professional service and excellent customer experience.

Trevor R. October 2016

Very easy to find what I was looking for as well as being able to locate products that could be used with each other, for instance, dual action polisher and the appropriate pads. I am not experienced with polishing equipment but this was very easy to purchase the correct products to match the machine that I have purchased, this gave a high level of confidence.

Terry M. October 2016

All good, very satisfied.

Prasam H. October 2016

As always a pleasure to deal with, these guys never put a foot wrong and always extremely helpful. Not many rivals them in terms of a vast product selection, customer service and ease of placing orders. The only place I would ever go to order my detailing supplies.

Martin B. October 2016

Always good prices and excellent service. Good website.

John C. October 2016

Good company, I shall use you again.