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Customer Testimonials

Will B. August 2016

Used the Ultimate Snow Foam over the last year and I am highly impressed with how it covers and removes the heavy grime from my car in preparation for the car to be washed. Many Thanks.

Hans W. August 2016

I have found some of the best car care products through Ultimate Finnish. Competitive prices and user-friendly site and reliable deliveries to Sweden.

David C. August 2016

Great website design, easy to use, with a great product range. Really good product descriptions, and how to use guides. The detailing videos are really useful and provide tips for car cleaning at home. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous. August 2016

UF has everything a DIY at home detail requires, my car is looking amazing, and people comment on its shining smooth to the touch paintwork, and how it still looks like a brand new car when it's 3 years plus having covered 43,000 miles. UF is the go to shop for car detailing products for me.

Richard A. August 2016

Always great service. Trade account offers good value and solid range.

Anonymous. August 2016

I came for one specific item but will definitely be coming back to browse.

Jay V. August 2016

Brilliant range of products, easy to find whatever you are looking for. The Youtube videos attached to some products are incredibly helpful.

B Simpson. August 2016

A well run and efficient company. Most helpful. Great products. Excellent service.

Glenn M. August 2016

Quality at a reasonable price.

James W. August 2016

Love it, the only place I buy my detailing supplies from. Customer service, delivery, product availability, everything is first class. I also get the discount from their customer loyalty scheme.