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Customer Testimonials

Dave D. December 2015

The best place online to get everything you could ever want for valeting/detailing your car.

Simon P. December 2015

Returning customer speaks for itself. Excellent product range, excellent service and prompt delivery, would highly reccommend.

Ken K. December 2015

Very good business, I have ordered from The Ultimate Finish on several occasions with ease. I had to email once with a question about my order, reply was returned quickly and efficiently, good work guys.

Tony B. December 2015

Excellent range of products and always good speedy delivery. There is plenty of helpful information to be found on site.

David R. December 2015

Great selection of products.

Carl W. December 2015

Great website with good range of products. The best thing about it is the product descriptions. They are very accurate, other sites leave you wondering what brand you may be getting on some things when they use generic terms.

Mike B. December 2015

Very useful site in a very competitive market.

Eric E. December 2015

Always a fantastic range available, easy online purchasing and good delivery times.

N Sharman. December 2015

I have used the site before and was highly satisfied with your range, price, quality and delivery. Why would I go anywhere else?

M Hall. December 2015

I purchase a Christmas gift voucher annually.