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Customer Testimonials

Andy H. October 2015

Clear and easy to order.

Simon P. October 2015

Had a couple of queries with my order. I called to find very helpful and informative information. Excellent service, thank you.

Simon K. October 2015

Always had a good experience when shopping with the Ultimate Finish and if you call them you will get good advice and lots of help. 10 out of 10 all the way.

Andrew A. October 2015

I cannot fault The Ultimate Finish, they are helpful knowledgeable and supportive. The products are very good quality, those that I have experienced. The communication with regard to order status and delivery was also very good. I am a customer who will be using The Ultimate Finish on a regular basis and I have already impressed a neighbour with the quality of my surface smoothness after I had used the detailing clay for the very first time. This is a new venture as I have never done it before but I will be in the future. My order arrived in perfect timing and the packaging was really excellent. This is important to mention because everything arrived in perfect order. It has established my confidence in The Ultimate Finish being my first order and I fully intend to continue using them as an excellent base for all my car care requirements. Well done and a big thank you from me. The comments I have made refer to a number of areas worthy of note not just one. The Ultimate Finish is really a very friendly, helpful and supportive group of people.

Leigh C. October 2015

I contacted the customer service for an update on delivery date. They phoned me back after checking with the reliant department, thank you.

Anonymous. October 2015

Perfect online experience backed by knowledgable phone staff, well done UF!

Jon G. October 2015

Great car cover. Perfect fit, very good quality and a good price.

Dean M. October 2015

Great website with loads on offer.

Harry H. October 2015

Good product range and information on products is realistic. Overall a good service.

Steven M. October 2015

Website is good.