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Customer Testimonials

Ray W August 2014

Always very helpful staff, reliable advice and quality products.

Anonymous August 2014

Site is excellent, used it before and will again.

Marcela P August 2014

Quick ordering process!

Hughes B August 2014

Good website saving your basket so you can leave the page open but still spend a few days adding and removing things as and when they enter your head.

Anonymous August 2014

I have used this site several times before, and each time it has been easy and hassle free. Would recommend Ultimate Finish to anyone looking for a company specialising in car detailing products.

Anonymous August 2014

Great service, great product choice and lots of good information.

Lee H August 2014

Quick and easy ordering and simple instructions

Peter O August 2014

Very impressed with the wide selection of manufacturers and their products. You could probably get all your requirements fulfilled here. Checking out was a breeze too. Will definitely be shopping here again :)

Mike R August 2014

Excellent service,I received the goods the following day.

Paul August 2014

Filter does exactly what it says on the tin. Will be ordering a 0ppm filter when stocked.