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Customer Testimonials

Mark L. May 2014

An excellent site with every type of company detailing products you could wish to find. This is a one stop shop for all your automotive care needs.

Ted H. May 2014

An easy site to use. Plenty of product at keen prices.

Anonymous Respondent May 2014

I have purchased from Ultimate Finish in the past and I highly recommend them delivery is fast and their products are first rate, my 62 plate jeep has never seen a sponge, just washed with Valet Pro and there's not a swirl mark on her.

David R. May 2014

I find The Ultimate Finish company website easy to navigate, easy to find the products I am looking for and they all have a clear and precise specification. They provide a fist class service on delivery and customer support.

Vince W. May 2014

Good site, good range of quality products for car detailing.

Amer M. May 2014

Very well laid out website, easy to use and good informative reviews.

Les G. May 2014

Well priced product and easy payment (not having to create account).

Rafal K May 2014

Going to use your snow foam product for the first time, however from what I have read I'm quite positive I have made the best possible choice.

John M May 2014

It is good to deal with a company that are also enthusiast's, they are always there to give advice on products and the use off, and the web site is easy to use. The latest order I used a promotional discount, however I was not too sure if my loyalty discount should of been included or not, a quick call to UF tomorrow will sort this out.

Roy W May 2014

Excellent service.