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Customer Testimonials

O.Mason August 2013

Great selection of quality products. Good customer service.

Adrian H. August 2013

Excellent site, well presented and easy to find everything.

Keith M. August 2013

This is second time I have used Ultimate Finish and the products and service are excellent and prices are good value

M Mckaig August 2013

Hi Sarah - thanks for the info. You have a better customer response than the manufacturer themselves who I am still waiting to get a reply from!

I usually buy products from Ebay / Amazon to save a bit on the price, but I am happiest dealing with companies who have a knowledge of the products they sell (sadly lacking in so many stores nowadays). Ordered the headlight kit, sealant and some other bits and pieces today.

On another note, it's refreshing to go through a checkout process which doesn't require me to enter both my delivery and billing addresses before directing me to Paypal where I already have those addresses stored. Other web stores could learn a lot from this.

S.J.White August 2013

Excellent selection of products that I was looking forward to and indeed all that I wanted at very competitive prices.

Adrian H. August 2013

Excellent site, well presented and easy to find everything.

M.Grose August 2013

Excellent site and delivery to the UAE is a key benefit. Delivery costs are OK and my last order arrived in two days so this with the convenience and product selection makes it worth paying rather than trying to find a decent product locally.

P.Rudd August 2013

Great service.

M.Button August 2013

I liked all aspects of the Ultimate Finish site, products, info and prices. I will definitely buy from them again !

C.McBryer August 2013

Good explanation of product and how to use it. Clear and easy to use ordering process. Very slick - Thanks.