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Customer Testimonials

Dennis G. May 2013

Great company to deal with who always deliver on time!

Tim S. May 2013

Straight forward web site. Quality products, clear item information, competitive prices and excellent customer service.

Lynne M May 2013

Great shopping experience, found everything I was looking for

Pete B. May 2013

Lovely products, with wonderful aromas. I look forward to using them for the smell, and ease of use.

John B. May 2013

Good as always

J.Milne May 2013

Always straight forward, no hassle and quick delivery.

R.Knight May 2013

Great shopping experience, huge selection of car detailing products, easy website to navigate around.

N.T.Hughes May 2013

Came recommended. Had everything I needed so will be back and happy to recommend UF to others.

L.Rooney May 2013

Always happy with these guys. Great selections of products. The customer service emails and information about the order and delivery times etc were excellent. I received a notification saying one of my ordered items, a digital thermometer was not in stock almost immediately. The email went on to explain my purchase would be fulfilled within 5 days but when the package arrived there it was. So more points to Ultimate Finish. I will recommend this company and use them again in the future.

Peter L. May 2013

Every transaction with Ultimate Finish has been highly satisfactory