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Customer Testimonials

Roy W. November 2012

This is the 3rd time I have bought and used Bilt-Hamber Dynax, will keep using as it does was it says on the tin!

Jean-Marie H. (France) November 2012

Very fast shipping, DHL shipping is a reason it's fast but fast treatment and fast shipping from DHL, so fast.

Frank B. November 2012

The product was exactly as described, and does the job superbly.

Dodo Juice Purple Haze.

Ruth B. November 2012

Uncomplicated, easy to use site

Leslie M. November 2012

Good web page and clear instructions on how to pay.

Sebastian A. October 2012

Fantastic service! Second time I have used UF for car care products. I can now safely say that UF will now be my first choice. The communication is excellent and the dispatch/delivery times are unbelieveably quick.

Ged C. October 2012

Excellent service. Super delivery times. Excellent variety of choice within products on offer. Will certainly use Ultimate Finish again.

Alan C. October 2012

A nice & easy to order

Richard S October 2012

Have used their site several times for various products over the last 6 months highly recommended.

John H. October 2012

hank you for the prompt despatch and delivery of my battery charger. A great product and terrific service.