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Customer Testimonials

Steve C. October 2011

Great to be able to get these products from UF, as just can't get them in shops or at the bulk buy prices. Many thanks.

David F. October 2011

One of the products I wanted was out of stock but an alternative was offered. Everything turned up in good condition and performed better than I could have ever thought!

D.French October 2011

The Ultimate Finish probably is the only place I will go to to get cleaning things now because it's easy and they have everything I'd ever need... Just wish I could afford to pay them to do it for me ;)

Stan I. October 2011

Wide range of top quality car care products, reasonable prices and easy to find exactly what is needed.

K.Burge October 2011

No problems at all. Very helpful staff. My e-mails were answered promptly and efficiently. Overall very satisfied with Ultimate Finish.

Steve C. September 2011

Brilliant website, very simple to use with all products, details and prices all clearly displayed. I recommend this site to all my friends that use simular products.

Melanie M. September 2011

The customer service I received was excellent, the operator apologised for the delay and would check on what the problem was and call me back in 5 mins, which he did. The problem was one of the items ordered was damaged with no-other in stock. An alternative product was offered at no extra charge, I was advised I would receive the order the next day. As promised on the phone order received the next day. Would definitely recommend to friends and family.

Bob R. September 2011

Very satisfied with the service and the information given about the products.

R.Hardman September 2011

I selected some items that were on back order, having spoken to a member of staff at UF he informed me that there was an item that was just as good. He also advised me of other items that I would need. He was very helpful.

Jeff J. September 2011

The ordering takes seconds, narrowing down what to buy can take a while, so much to choose from, brilliant.