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Customer Testimonials

B. Sandeman-Craik March 2011

I bought one of the Moltex car covers because I had had such good service from Ultimate Finish previously.

J.Bowden March 2011

Sorry for the delay in thanking you for your prompt and efficient service. I have been waiting until I had time to try out the charger and am pleased to report that everything is working well. I am also impressed with the compact size and obvious quality of the product. Well done!

C.Adams March 2011

Sarah, As you are an excellent ambassador for your organisation my aim was to thank you in a personal manner. The card would have given you the opportunity to show it to your line manager at your next appraisal interview and show that you are valued. Your courteous and prompt help toward myself will ensure that any future 'word of mouth' endorsement about your organisation will last for a long time.

D. Edmonds March 2011

A very easy to find site. A clear and comprehensive outlay with many products, offers and delivery options. Highly recommended.

J.Gilchrist March 2011

Very satisfied, will use again and highly recommended, thanks.

I.Burrell March 2011

This is a return visit, I find the choice of products first rate and great value, Ultimate Finish is now my one stop shop for valeting products to keep my classic series 3 Daimler Double Six looking great!

Anonymous Respondent March 2011

Easy to purchase items that are not sold locally.

Richard P. March 2011

Hi, Just wanted to say what fanastic service. Ordered yesterday by standard delivery service delivered midday today! Terrific. Many thanks.

Stuart B. March 2011

Buying this product was a hassle-free exercise that, frankly, exceeded my expectations. Well done.

B.Sandeman-Craik March 2011

I am a repeat customer having had such good service previously from Sarah Marsh-Collings