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Customer Testimonials

Jason D. February 2018

UF always offers an outstanding service, whether that's detailing your vehicles or giving product advise/sales. I rate them so highly they are just about to detail my 3rd car! Can't wait to see the spectacular results. Thanks, guys!

Polly B. February 2018

Great service, never any problems. I would recommend to my friends.

Sam L. February 2018

Excellent products for sale; excellent pricing, the speed of delivery, customer service. Very happy to have come across this online shop. I chose UF because I had difficulty obtaining this product again from my local supplier. UF provided the product, with a quicker delivery from overseas, at a cost but still way ahead in total cost/value.

David H. February 2018

Very pleased, carry on the good service.

Vicki W. February 2018

Used UF first as a gift certificate for a friend who's a car fanatic. Liked the range they stock so I can pick and choose when I pamper my car.

Nev O. February 2018

Good products. You know what you are talking about, plus reasonable prices. Good customer email response.

Martin S. February 2018

Very good service. I purchased Bilt Hamber Snow Foam which is a great product.

Williem H. February 2018

Good prices, quick delivery, and very friendly helpful staff.

Danny F. January 2018

Very good experience from start to finish with UF.

Penny F. January 2018

The products always do what they say and are delivered very swiftly. Helpful hints on how to get good results especially as I am an amateur.