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Customer Testimonials

Martyn R. January 2015

I have already used R222 wax and was very pleased, have just bought a new Ford Focus "Deep Impact Blue" and want to keep the look of a brand new car, R222 will give that protection.

Paul H. January 2015

I really liked the Ultimate Finish website good range of products and competitive pricing will defiantly use again.

Thomas B. January 2015

Keep up the good work.

Colin J. January 2015

Great site!

Stuart B. January 2015

Used in the past, happy to use again.

PJ Griffin. January 2015

Great choice and love the car make-overs with details on products used. Helps give me ideas on what to use

Graham R. January 2015

Excellent company with excellent products and knowledge of all the items they sell, extreamly helpful.

Stuart G. January 2015

Used for years and always prompt service and delivery. A pleasure to deal with.

Philip M. January 2015

Excellent and competitively priced website with good customer service.

Pud T. January 2015

I'm very satisfied with the Ultimate Finish website very good with up to date products and a very detailed description on how to use the products.