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Customer Testimonials

Steve B August 2014

Found and ordered exactly what I was looking for.

Graham M August 2014

ultimate finish is new to me , although the products I have ordered are not . The prices seem to be competitive , and they seem to have a great range with all the good names.

William G August 2014

Brilliant website.

Steve B August 2014

I have used Ultimate Finish before always have a huge selection of goods to chose from, backed up by the fact that they are recommended on Detailing World which is reassuring.

Jim W. August 2014

Excellent company to deal with.

Dan S. August 2014

Great site - will definitely have a better look around at the other products

Clive W. August 2014

I have used this company before and have always been satisfied.

Gary August 2014

Easy to use website offering a substantial range of products and detailed information. I look forward to receipt, use and reorder!

Douglas M August 2014

Always had top notch service from Ultimate Finish.

C Booker August 2014

I was pointed to this site by a professional valet who snow foamed my new motorbike. The bike came up beautifully and Ultimate Finish sell everything I need to keep my motorcycle in concourse condition.