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Customer Testimonials

Neil E. May 2017

Always provides quality products at reasonable prices and fair carriage costs.

John R. May 2017

Look forward to ordering again in the future.

Criag S. May 2017

Looking forward to receiving my first TheUltimateFinish car care product. Your products have come highly recommended by a friend.

Jeffe S. May 2017

Great website with a huge variety of products. Highly recommended to anyone and everyone who love their cars and keep them clean to high standards.

Barry D. May 2017

Usually just order online but whenever I've had reason to speak to them then they have always been very helpful. Service is excellent!

Dominic K. May 2017

Should have purchased here before.

Allan D. May 2017

Very easy to order the Bilt Hamber Auto wheel cleaner from UF. UF had the quantity that I was looking for and at the best price too. The fact that the product turned up before the expected due date - and in Northern Ireland was a pleasant surprise. Thanks again UF, I'll be a returning customer and will recommend you to my friends.

Steve C. May 2017

Great variety of products not just for enthusiasts.

Adam Z. April 2017

Great product selection, great prices, always great service.

Tony C. April 2017

After the handling of recent delivery issues with Nanolex products leaking in transit, Ultimate Finish has a customer for life.