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Customer Testimonials

Brad R. August 2013

Brilliant website, can't fault it at all, UF has everything I need for car cleaning every time I go on it's perfect so there's no need to go elsewhere.

A.Mackenzie August 2013

Glad I came across UF, will definitely be using them in the future as I'm about to set up a classic car valeting business and need to stock up. I'll be using mostly Autoglym products.

A.Cotton August 2013

Excellent company to deal with and great procucts.

Robert D. August 2013

Keep up the good work !

M.W.Valeting August 2013

Very happy with the service I order a lot of products for my business on line. There is another company I use not mentioning names that offer loyalty points money off next purchase which is very good, maybe something this company could look at. Thanks Matt

UF Team: We already do! - details of our Customer Loyalty Scheme can be found here

Neil R. August 2013

Always have a good range of products and introducing new products. I have used them for over a year now and the Ultimate Snow Foam is excellent at removing tough dirt from paintwork and I have recommended it to many of my friends. I will continue to use UF as they have a great site and delivery is always quick.

M.Greenwood August 2013

Very satisfied customer.

Brian B August 2013

Easy to use site. I was able to find the exact product I was after straight away. Price is great also, cheaper than many of my local motor factors, including one that I used to work for!!

Julia A M August 2013

Easy shopping, very helpful when making enquiries by phone.

P B Darwin July 2013

The reason I bought from UF is because they deliver to Australia and the price of the product is very good.