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Customer Testimonials

Peter L. September 2012

Very easy site to negotiate. Selection of good and prices are very well described and priced. Hope to be able to business in the future.

A.J.Pinn September 2012

I used to order from Swissvax directly until I discovered 'Ultimate Finish' who I find excellent in every respect.

B.Hatcher September 2012

Great Quality range of products. Always delivered on time. I use no one else.

J.Holt September 2012

Excellent service and the products really work very well. Well done UF for providing such an excellent prompt service.

R.Jolley September 2012

Fantastic - really took time to answer my novice questions and help me find the right products. Thank you so much - you now have a loyal customer!

J.Holt (London Taxis) August 2012

Always do just what they say they will do,impossible to fault the service that UF provide.

G.Maclean August 2012

Quick and easy to use. Good prices and delivery charges

H.Coulson August 2012

Good company to deal with, they know the products they are talking about. Good work keep it up

Charles L. August 2012

Returning customer.Always very happy with service/price,and ease of finding products.

Anonymous Respondent August 2012

Nice to be able to find all the products in one place, would like a loyalty card though!

UF Team: Your wish is our command - details of our NEW Customer Loyalty scheme can be found here