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Customer Testimonials

Malcolm S. July 2012

With Ultimate Finish products 'It does what it say's on the box!'

Ian H.W. July 2012

Good well designed and informative web site.

Warren P. July 2012

Overall a very easy to use website - well done.

Ian O. July 2012

Really happy with the service I received, very knowledgable staff, thanks very much.

L.R.Strudwick July 2012

Simple to order, quick to deliver - thank you.

M.Shopland July 2012

Excellent all-round service from UF, well done

Anonymous Respondent July 2012

Clear, easy to navigate website, giving all the information required. Easy to order from and checkout without any hassles. Simply great.

P.Massey July 2012

A great selection of products from a vast range of manufacturers covering all budgets. Very helpfull when you need to speak to them and order turn around is fast and efficient. Their product knowledge is strong and advise is on offer if required. Excellent service.

Jack S. July 2012

Dear UF, What a great product you sent me. I was having to contemplate two headlight units for my MG zt saloon (like a rover 75) which would have cost me £624.00. The originals had gone foggy and showed some sign of acid type attack.

For the sum of about £35.00 I have two virtually perfect units after a couple of hours hard work buffing with your product. A saving of around £600.00 without labour.

Many thanks.

Meguiar's Headlight Restoration Kit

Jamie W. July 2012

Thanks for the super quick delivery and showing enough interest to contact me regards the new PayPal Express check out service.