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Customer Testimonials

Craig G. June 2011

Great service and team

B.R Wiggins June 2011

My experience with The Ultimate Finish Co is superb and the delivery came the next day - I am very impressed.

Daniel P. June 2011

Brilliant website, a pleasure to use.. easy to use and informative..

N.Parmar June 2011

Hi, First class service on the replacement item, thanks!!

D.Barker June 2011

Quick, easy to find products, easy to pay :)

Gareth C. June 2011

Faultless service, fair prices and fast delivery. IMHO you should advertise more- you deserve a bigger market share!

John G. June 2011

Thank you all for my recent order. Arrived safely, prompt service once again.Looking forward to trying it out. Cheers....

Niels H. June 2011

Excellent service, great products - Bought a Kestrel DAS-6 Power Plus DA Polisher and some additional Poorboys products. Works great. Their customer function is really helpful and dedicated. It is definitely NOT the last time I make a purchase at the theultimatefinish.co.uk :-)

Richard C. June 2011

My order was placed midnight on Tuesday/Wednesday & arrived, complete & well packaged on Thursday morning! It worked exactly as advertised & my car is now so smooooth! I can highly recommend both this company,"Ultimate Finish", & clay barring, I used the Meguiars kit. An extremely fulfilling experience!

R.Luce June 2011

The quality of service is second to none. The layout of the web pages is superb and there was no difficulty in identifying the items which I wished to purchase. WELL DONE to all concerned.