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Customer Testimonials

Terry M. January 2017

Excellent range of products at good prices that arrive very quickly. What more could you ask for?

Kirton H. January 2017

Excellent service.

Stephen L. January 2017

Extremely helpful.

Les B. January 2017

I sought advice on the best products to use with my DA Polisher The advice given was perfect. The products to use while new to me were also spot on, the responses were quick and the delivery prompt. Great Service.

Kevin W. January 2017

A clear and easy website to use that provides a good product description and quality service.

Nigel S. January 2017

Always very pleased with my purchases.

Andy J. January 2017

Just a courtesy email to confirm safe receipt of the Chipex kit following on from the initial goods despatch noted below.

Thank you once again for your excellent service.

Les B. December 2016

Max was really helpful and guided me on the right products for my needs. Thank you. I always have a great experience from Ultimate Finish.

Russell S. December 2016

Always found the site to be easy to navigate, products priced fairly, they also appear to stock some products that other sites don't sell.

Rick B. December 2016

Look forward to purchasing more items.