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Customer Testimonials

Steve Cross March 2008

Seems to offer fair prices for quality products.

N.Lappage March 2008

Very quick and easy to find the product and purchase it. Good purchasing options including Paypal.

Rumbermuda March 2008

Brilliant service will use you again, many thanks.

Fickel March 2008

Highly recommended through Detailing World.

Maggy March 2008

Very good clear information and easy to use.

K. Humphries February 2008

Hi there

Received unit in super-fast time - extremely pleased with the service and the price. Many many thanks.


Colin February 2008

Received the parcel, thank you, very efficient.


I Scott February 2008

Thanks for a prompt delivery service and we look forward to doing future business.


Steve February 2008

Thanks much Cheers again for your help / well-explained response, excellent service :)

Ian Vipers February 2008

This will be the 2nd time I have used these guys and if the service is as good as the last time well I'll be buying all my supplies from them. I already have and will continue to recomend these people to all my friends and family!!!